Where perfection is the only acceptable goal.


There is a nice article about 4OurElders in the October 2012 newsletter for the Arkansas Advocacy for Nursing Home Residents (available soon at this link: http://aanhr.org/Newsletters.html). Our article will be on page 6.

"Hi Steven,

I did peruse your website, although not every section, but you certainly appear to be an expert to me.  The website is very informative and thorough, as is your set of interview tools.  Just reviewing the questions, I feel confident that you would have a very good understanding of the people and their fit with the organizations... You seem to have a very thorough mechanism for assessing the quality of nursing homes.  I think that most people would be very satisfied with what you have already... Personally, as someone with two elderly parents, I think that I would feel very confident with your assessment of a given nursing home.  You are very thorough and ask excellent questions."

- R. L. Kennedy - formerly with the University of Arkansas College of Nursing and now in the Office of Educational Development

“Fred Schaffer, majority owner of Greenhurst, says ‘I asked the Administrator, who happens to be my son Jonas ‘why in the world would you invite a former lawyer in here to look at every nook and cranny of what we do and how we do it?’ ‘We just got Medicare certified, with all the additional oversight that comes with that, and now you’ve brought in a guy that has forms, grading grids and who knows what else and he will talk to anyone he wants and we don’t know where all this will come out?’” “Well, what I saw and experienced with the 4OurElders’ process was not only NOT something to be worried about, it was something that anyone who wants to provide the best care and service for their patients better be doing.” “We are sure glad we did!”

- Fred Schaffer

“Fred’s son Jonas adds ‘Dad can get pretty worked up at times, but I know he trusts me so he never said we were not going to undergo the 4OurElders assessment and evaluation.’ ‘Steve promised me 360 degree confidentiality in the process and in working with Steve to design and pull off such a big project I knew I could trust him and his approach.’  ‘I also knew he had incredible experience in elder care and service and that with this unbelievable background, which over quite a few years has led to his development of the tools he uses--formulas, interview forms and techniques, grading grids and a final report format that includes specific proposed changes to bring even further improvement-- looked like it could not miss the one mark we were shooting for—making sure Greenhurst has the best care and service for our residents and their families.’”

 “The process from start to finish played out just like I hoped and thought it would.’ ‘It was totally transparent and 100 percent confidential. Our staff felt totally at home with him as he went about the interviews.’”

 “As I told Steve when I received  but had not even reviewed the Final Report yet ‘I cannot thank you enough-- I have always wanted someone independent to come into our home—a professional, a real expert—and help us self-assess and to sharpen our vision.’” “That is exactly what we have done and we could have never done it without 4OurElders.”

“4OurElders delivered on every promise they made us in advance and we, our staff and most importantly our residents and their families are and will be even better off as a result of  what we will be doing in the coming months and years based on the work that 4OurElders directed and completed with us here at Greenhurst.”

- Jonas Schaffer, Administrator

Fort Pierce, Florida



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