And remember, all of these things will be done by 4OurElders for our individual clients without taking one penny from any source other than our clients—no finders’ fees from the facility, no co-payments from other providers, no advertising revenues on our sites, no payments for our self-improvement reports to the facility that result from client-based retainers. No other income sources whatsoever. We will remain steadfastly independent and free of any motivation other than using our people, tools and processes to find the best possible residence for each of our clients and more broadly to improve care and service for every person residing in elder care housing throughout the U.S.
If you have questions regarding Medicare, Insurance or care, service or safety questions in long-term care facilities of any type, give us a call or drop us a note and we will try to address your question at no cost and in ‘real time.’ We want to help you make the best, most affordable long-term care housing decision for yourself or a loved one and to get all you are entitled to whatever your circumstances are. Now, this is FREE service you can count on, unlike those who pretend to be on your side when all the while they are taking money from the very facilities trying to get your business. We have no such conflict of interest—our ONLY interest is your interest because a better informed, information-armed consumer is the only way we can make long-term care in this country better for us all.”