Let us answer an obvious question almost anyone would have: "With all the 'free help' on the Internet (like APlaceforMom.com or APlaceForDad.com, which make tens of millions of dollars annually in revenues from the very homes they are recommending to you) why would I need 4OurElders' advice or help in selecting the best nursing home?" There are two simple answers.
FIRST, THE BEST SENIOR HOMES DO NOT NEED OFF-BALANCE SHEET MARKETEERS, SUCH AS THESE TWO MENTIONED ABOVE, TO ATTRACT NEW RESIDENTS. Therefore, if you are looking for the best senior home for you or a loved one, it follows that you are not likely to find one using this "free help." For the most part, these types of "free services" come from companies which are being paid by the very homes they recommend; many of these internet help lines are little more than referral services or "off-balance sheet" marketing arms for the companies trying to get you or your loved one into one of their facilities. Moreover, as the NY Times and others (NY Times: A Helping Hand, Paid on Commission: see also Seattle Times: Senior-care placement companies scramble to cash in) found in a very critical article of this business last fall, often these companies are reluctant to even disclose this business relationship.
Second, in contrast to these "free services," we at 4ourelders have no such conflict because we have no financial relationship with any senior housing company trying to get a move-in. We work only for you and our loyalty is only to you. We do not make referrals and do not accept money from anyone other than our clients. Our goal is simple: to give you the best chance in a very uneven industry to find a home that will provide a good experience and a good outcome. We will provide you with the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that you did everything possible to protect and serve your loved one, and to avoid the trauma of bad nursing home experiences. We are ready to help you find the right home for the right reasons. Click here to read one of our own personal stories.
![]() The Adelman AdvantageMay this New Year deliver hope, health, happiness and connectivity to people and places and experiences. During this year, our world has encountered death and dying in ways unimaginable especially amongst our elders. I join those who lost a loved one this year. I share my experiences and insights in the December 2020 Nursing & Assisted Living Professional ending our 10th year of publication. Looking ahead to 2021, we'll continue to bring high quality and important news and education to the senior living industry. Read further about how we can reframe conversations about living and dying and end-of-life care as we move ahead together. Here's to you, dad. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rebeccaadelmanesq_nal-professional-december-2020-activity-6750437785166983168-6yEn |
If you have questions regarding Medicare, Insurance or care, service or safety questions in long-term care facilities of any type, give us a call or drop us a note and we will try to address your question at no cost and in ‘real time.’ We want to help you make the best, most affordable long-term care housing decision for yourself or a loved one and to get all you are entitled to whatever your circumstances are. Now, this is FREE service you can count on, unlike those who pretend to be on your side when all the while they are taking money from the very facilities trying to get your business. We have no such conflict of interest—our ONLY interest is your interest because a better informed, information-armed consumer is the only way we can make long-term care in this country better for us all.”